Quality Assurance - Malayan Tech Labs Sdn Bhd
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Malayan Tech Labs provides software testing services to companies that need the help of proven manual and automated testing professionals. We have been able to build rich expertise, performing all types of manual and automated testing for the following industries: Banking and Financial Services, Manufacturing and Logistics, Healthcare, Insurance and E-commerce.

We have high-quality QA engineers who deeply know their business.

Functional Testing

Our experts will ensure that the product’s functionality meets the requirements of your business and the purpose for which it was developed.

Cross-Platform Testing

Our team will test your product’s performance and make sure that the product is ready to work on the whole range of different platforms.

Acceptance Testing

We will check the product and provide you with the testing results so you could make changes if certain goals are not met, and the product should be redone.

Localization Testing

We will check the localized version of your product to see whether it works well with specific local settings for users from different countries.

Compatibility Testing

Our team will help you understand how your product behaves in the wide range of network environments or interacts with different web servers or hardware.

Security Testing

Our experts will check whether your product may be penetrated by hacking or through a loophole. We will help ensure that the sensitive data cannot be stolen and your customers are safe.

Integration Testing

The experts will make sure that all systems of your application work correctly and successfully interact with each other. This is a rather complex kind of testing, so it is especially important to entrust it to an expert team, such as Malayan Tech Labs.

Module Testing

We will study a separate module or part of your program to make sure that a part of a product performs well. Our specialists have a lot of testing experience, that’s why they will be able to check your software in detail.

System Testing

Our team will test the complete and fully integrated system so you are sure that your entire product works stably and efficiently, especially while interfaced with other software products.

Usability Testing

We can test your product’s user-friendliness to make sure that potential users will easily learn the tool’s functionality and won’t get stuck at any point of a journey within your tool.

UI Testing

We will make sure that the tool’s design elements are working and all buttons, toolbars, icons, etc. respond to user input.

Performance Testing

Our engineers will check speed, stability and scalability of your app’s system make sure that it works quickly and withstands multiple load conditions.

Configuration Testing

We will test your product on practice, applying various configuration options to make sure that the product does not have flaws in different settings regimes.

Mobile Testing

We’ll make sure that potential customers can conveniently use your mobile app and that it works quickly and runs like a clockwork.